So it's been a long time and I have had people to add since before we left Texas but aside from printing up some more pictures I got the pages made up for the girls Friends books. I now need to hunt down more pages the next time I am out at A. C. Moore because I had to take pages out of Zee's book to add to Kyrie's book. I need to put them in order because they are just in there however I thought of who needed to be next. But it felt nice to sit and scrap even if it was only small 8 X 8 pages. This is the most I have done in awhile and with ripping cd's into I-Tunes to put on Kyrie's new I-Pod she is getting for her birthday I had a lot of sitting in front of the computer time on my hands. So I pulled them out and got to it. I also took down all my albums and sorted through them to see where I stopped on which ones and what all I have to add, and I found some empty ones. I know empty ones it is like Christmas every time I find an empty one around the house. I still can't find some pictures I am looking for which started the album searching to begin with but I found an empty photo album and a bunch of pictures that have already been scrapped that I can put away so I have more room for when I have to order the pictures I need to be caught up to this year.
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